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A lifestyle blog by a London gal who loves plants, metal, bleaching my hair and Osaka

Monday 4 September 2017

I made a Youtube video!! Makki grey

Exciting news today! As you'll have gathered from the title of this post, I made my first youtube video! I decided to film myself dying my hair grey because my review of Makki's hair colouring mask in grey is one of my most read posts by far. I figured that if I was going to make a Youtube video, I might as well make it useful!

I've been mulling over trying youtube and teaching myself how to edit videos for a while. So when I had some free time this summer I decided to take the plunge and film myself dying my hair! It was suuch a learning curve, and it really made me respect youtubers for how long editing takes...

So here is my baby! I hope you enjoy it!

I have a couple of other videos I want to make, definitely a room/plant tour of my uni room in Leeds, and I might do some more fashion/ hair dye reviews depending on how much time I have, so go ahead and subscribe to my youtube channel if that sounds like your cup of tea <3 <3

Thanks for reading/ watching!! If you have anything you want me to film, let me know and I might do it??
-Amy xoxo

The best grey hair dye?! Makki professional colouring mask in grey// Bleach Berwick Street haul and wishlist// 5 years (and 500 posts) of Candyflossoverkill♡ My most popular posts// 


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