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A lifestyle blog by a London gal who loves plants, metal, bleaching my hair and Osaka

Thursday 29 September 2016

Bleach London's Violet Skies: mini review and hair update

Bleach London Violet Skies review

Violet skies

I tried out a new hair colour this week- violet. I'd had a teeny bit of violet in my hair before in my My Little Pony multicoloured dip dye, but I'd never done the whole head violet. I'm super pleased with it so far! I chose Bleach London's violet skies because: it looks pretty, and I hoped that because it's pastel, it would fade out fairly quickly (in case I hated it) and not leave a blue or green stain in my hair.


Wednesday 28 September 2016

Going up the Tokyo Sky Tree

Tokyo Sky Tree
It's been over a whole month since I moved back to the UK after my study abroad in Osaka, and I'm a bit heartbroken, to put it mildly. I love Leeds, but Japan was just so... Japan-y, you know? Anyway, I've still got a tonne of pictures to share and places to recommend to you guys, so I'll pick up where I left off- when I was in Tokyo visiting. After we visited Harajuku and the amazing Kawaii Monster CafĂ© (a must-do if you're in Tokyo) we went to the Tokyo Sky Tree. It's one of the tallest towers in the world, I believe, and it was pretty impressive. I think it's actually a huge telecoms mast. It was also pretty expensive for Japan, where tourist attractions typically cost 800 yen or less, this was 3000 yen each if you wanted to go to the higher of the two observation decks. 

Sunday 25 September 2016

Windy beach OOTD

Jacket// SPINNS
Shirt// WEGO
Choker// WEGO
Skirt// American Apparel
Boots// Dr Martens

Friday 23 September 2016

Long time no OOTD: American Apparel skirt and topman jumper

Jumper// Topman
Choker// WEGO
Hat// Free with a newspaper
Skirt// American Apparel
Boots// Dr Martens

This was shot on holiday in Dartmouth, but being typical British weather, boots, tights and a sweater were much more appropriate than the cute dresses I had planned to wear. Ah well. Also it's been so long since I shot some OOTD pictures- can you sense the awkwardness? Thanks to the boyf for taking these! And letting me steal his jumper. 


Wednesday 21 September 2016

Treat yo' self haul: Lush and T2

I haven't been into Lush since I got back to the UK, and I wanted to grab some nice products before uni, so of course I ran straight into Lush to pick up some new products. I also got treated to a new tea from T2.


Friday 16 September 2016

Trying out circle lenses: Lil Moon Eye Doll "Old Fashioned" review

Lil Moon circle lens review
Circle lenses are a part of Japanese and Asian beauty which is pretty different to back home in the UK. Although it's not like everyone in Japan is wearing them all the time, among celebrities and models at least, circle lenses are really common.

I've wanted to try them out for so long, so I picked up these Lil Moon "Eye Doll" ones in "Old fashioned". I chose these ones because they're only a little different to my natural colour, but they are large (14.5mm) and have the black ring around the outside (which I think is why they're called 'old fashioned' because a lot of Lil Moon's designs don't come with this ring, and this style was really popular a few years ago). The pair I picked up last for one month, and cost 1800 yen. I bought them from a shop called San City in Teramachi, Kyoto, but you can find them anywhere fairly easily. I also bought a lens cleaning solution, which handily came with a case too.


Tuesday 13 September 2016

My first ever MAC haul: Russian Red lipstick and Cherry lip liner

MAC Russian Red and cherry lip liner

My first ever MAC haul, and what better to buy first than one of their iconic lipsticks?
Last year, I really started getting into wearing a red lip as more of an everyday look, rather than just for going out. My last red lipstick (from Revlon, super old but lovely) had ran out, the replacement really didn't apply as well and just smudged a tonne (I wrote about it in this post on Kate Tokyo).  So, I decided to indulge in my first MAC lipstick! It was between Ruby Woo and Russian Red, but as Ruby Woo is super matte and apparently pretty drying, I decided on Russian Red. And I couldn't be happier!


Monday 5 September 2016

My Goals for Year 3 of uni

So in September I'm heading back to Leeds for my third year of uni. I have a 4th year too, because I spent last year in Japan doing study abroad, but it's still so scary! I'm feeling a lot of pressure to have my stuff together, and I wanna make it the best year possible, so I made a couple of goals for next year.

© Candyfloss Overkill

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