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A lifestyle blog by a London gal who loves plants, metal, bleaching my hair and Osaka

Sunday 23 July 2017

Madrid day 2: Chocolatería San Gínes, Real Jardín Botánico

Madrid day 2: Chocolatería San Gínes, Real Jardín Botánico

For breakfast on our first full day in Madrid, we decided to go for churros! And after churros, we had a good couple of hours exploring, including one of the places I'd most wanted to go to in Madrid- the botanic garden Real Jardín Botánico.

Our friend Catherine recommended the Chocolatería San Gínes, and it was so yummy! There was a queue of maybe quarter of an hour, but the churros were well worth the wait~ We both ordered 6 churros with a cup of coffee. It was soooo yummy, but it was a little too much for me- I definitely could have done with halving the portion size. No regrets though. It was such a cute little place so if you're after churros, I'd really recommend checking it out! 

Chocolatería San Gínes

Chocolatería San Gínes

Chocolatería San Gínes

churros Chocolatería San Gínes


Madrid architecture

After churros, we wandered over to the botanic gardens. The botanic garden was one of the top things on my list of things I wanted to do in Madrid because I'm still obsessed with plants recently, but it was a lovely break from the city heat- although it was still hot in the gardens, there was enough shade to make it bearable. There was also a photography exhibition inside, which was pretty interesting.

Real Jardín Botánico Madrid

Real Jardín Botánico Madrid

Real Jardín Botánico Madrid

Real Jardín Botánico Madrid

Real Jardín Botánico Madrid

Real Jardín Botánico Madrid
The star of the show for me was the greenhouse- it was split into three rooms, from the humid tropical room to the dry cactus room. Safe to say I had some serious cactus envy going!
Cacti botanic gardens

Cacti botanic gardens

Real Jardín Botánico

Madrid Real Jardín Botánico

Real Jardín Botánico

Madrid Botanic gardens

Madrid Botanic Gardens

Real Jardín Botánico

Real Jardín Botánico

bird of paradise

Real Jardín Botánico

tropical room Real Jardín Botánico

tropical room Real Jardín Botánico

Real Jardín Botánico

Madrid botanic gardens greenhouse

Madrid botanic gardens greenhouse

Madrid botanic gardens greenhouse

tropical plants

Madrid botanic gardens greenhouse

Madrid Real Jardín Botánico

Madrid Real Jardín Botánico

tropical plants

Madrid Real Jardín Botánico
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Madrid Real Jardín Botánico



There was a little secret section where they were growing small plants! Can I just say... interior goals! And a there was also a monstera hiding behind the staircase.

plant propagation

Real Jardín Botánico Madrid

After the Botanic Garden, we headed off to the Parque del Buen Retiro and the crystal palace, but I'm going to make a separate post on that because I have already posted too many plants... stay tuned!
-Amy xoxo



  1. They were so good! And omg I'd love to see a greenhouse photoshoot from you! Your gorgeous photography would make it look amazing <3 Please post it on your blog when you do <3


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