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A lifestyle blog by a London gal who loves plants, metal, bleaching my hair and Osaka

Thursday 21 May 2020

Directions Bright Daffodil// Review and before and after

hair dyed with Directions bright daffodil

So one of my new years resolutions was to dye my hair a different colour, and as I can't really get many of them done recently, I thought I'd at least have some fun with my hair. I've wanted to try yellow for a while (inspired by the gorgeous Viivi @kisumaikuchuuru on instagram) and while my hair didn't really look like hers and didn't really suit me... it was fun! And here's my review on the hair dye- TLDR it was perfect for what I wanted- a no commitment bright yellow.


This was super affordable at £4.99 - I found it on grindstore for RRP whereas sellers on amazon have been selling it for double that- shout out to grindstore <3 You get 88ml, which was just enough for my medium length hair- if you have long or thick hair I'd definitely recommend getting more than one pot.


my silver hair before dying it

My hair was whitish silver from washed out Makki Grey. I wish I'd waited a teeny bit longer before dying my hair though because there was definitely still some parts of my hair with a greyish tinge. Goes to show that patience is a virtue.


Directions' creamy consistency makes it easy to apply for me- it doesn't drip much and you can apply it with a brush or just smush it in with your hands. I didn't use gloves because I didn't want to buy any and waste PPE, so I used my bare hands and they weren't stained too yellow which was nice!

I left it on for the bare minimum 15 minutes but I'd definitely recommend you leave it for longer. I applied it on shampooed, towel dried hair, but I've also been recommended that applying it straight onto dry (bleached) hair can give more vibrant results.
hair dyed with Directions bright daffodil


It was a super bright yellow, but not quite as bright as I was expecting because I'd left it on for the absolute bare minimum time as I was scared of it staining my hair.

It looked great (although I don't think it suited me ahahha) and my hair felt (and looked! I got compliments!) really soft.
Because it was a brighter colour, my yellowish roots blended in pretty well which was a bonus.
selfie showing the results of directions bright daffodil on bleached blonde hair


my hair had faded a little after one wash

It had already faded quite a bit after the first wash, although it was still definitely yellow and I think I liked this colour better on me. By the third wash it was already pretty much blonde again. I used Bleach's Live Forever shampoo which is a colour protecting shampoo, but I did wash with warm water whereas cold would have helped it last a little bit longer.

My hair had returned to white after 3 washes

Did it stain my hair??// 

This was the thing I was most scared about, but thankfully it didn't. <3 


This was a pretty colour and I wouldn't rule out trying yellow again! Although I'd definitely leave it in longer to try and get a more long lasting colour. I'm going to try tangerine next so stay tuned for a review of that!! 


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