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A lifestyle blog by a London gal who loves plants, metal, bleaching my hair and Osaka

Monday 18 May 2020

Empties// Directions, Lush and the Body Shop

flatlay of empty beauty products including lariche directions, Lush and The Body Shop

Nothing is happening but beauty products still get used up innit

The Body Shop grapefruit body butter// this smelt great and it's a really nice product 

Lush Rose Lollipop lip balm//  The product itself is lovely, but I can't help but think that good old vaseline does the job just as well. 

Simple hydrating gel cream// I get through this stuff like water and I really like it but they've made the tube smaller I swear.

M and S floral collection// I finished up these three shower gels from M and S- another present. They came in a set and all of them are lovely quite strong scents.

Directions Bright Daffodil// Those of you who follow my instagram (@candyflossoverkill) will have seen I dyed my hair yellow the other day! I'm going to do a proper review post on this so stay tuned!

Directions Carnation Pink// a classic favourite of mine <3 Check out my review post of Bleach London Rosé vs Directions Carnation Pink if you're interested in my thoughts!

Tabaibaloe hand cream// another random present from my mum haha :) It was a really nice hand cream and obvs with all the hand washing we've been getting through a lot of hand cream. I think it's from abroad and everything is written in Spanish so it doesn't look like I'll be able to get this again in a hurry.

Lush Snow Fairy// Not my favourite scent from Lush, but it's still such a treat.

And that's it for now- pretty short and sweet....
Take care guys and thanks for reading!
-Amy xoxo

Empties #22 inc Simple, Batiste, Muji // Packing for a year in Japan part 2: Work edition // All 41 hair dye posts I've written in 7 years of blogging // 


  1. Massive fan of the rush rose lollipop, and pretty much everything else lush lol


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