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A lifestyle blog by a London gal who loves plants, metal, bleaching my hair and Osaka

Wednesday 21 November 2018

So I've been keeping this kind of secret but

Dotonbori, OsakaAHHHHHH I'm going back to Japan for the next year!!!
This post has been sitting in my drafts for a while, and I was going to write that "I don't know why I kept this so quiet". Well I do know actually, it's because my visa took about a million years (well, a few months, longer than we expected) to come and I was convinced that it would never come and I would have to give up on all my dreams and be unemployed forever (I was waiting for a while, it killed me a little...)
I'm going to be in Shizuoka for a year! Doing a real person job!
So there will be loads of exciting content here on

Japanese fashion, beauty, travel and hopefully gigs!

I'll still be the same though, same old lame gal who is a little too obsessed with plants, clothes and 2012 era Sug and BMTH..... So please stick with <3 And let me know if there's anything you'd like me to post about <3

Minami Osaka street Japan

This is actually only my second time going to Japan, and only the second time I've been out of Europe too. My first time in Japan was when I went to Osaka University for a year as an exchange student... which thinking back, is slightly insane. Why haven't I been back? well, Japan is expensive. Getting there is expensive, and I wanted to spend all my money on coffee in Leeds... I kind of needed to focus on studying- but now my hard work has paid off, I've graduated, and I'm going to work in Japan. I miight tell you what I'm doing later, but I'll have to ask at where I work before I share it with you guys. For now, just know that I'm actually not teaching English! I'm gonna be speaking Japanese all day every day (wish me luck)

Waiting for the visa to come has been a huge weight on my mind actually- the longer it took to come, the more anxious I was- I was convinced my visa would be rejected and it was messing with my sleep. I'm sure a lot of you have felt that anxiety- whether about uni/school choices, or job applications... it's just a whole lot. And you know when you're so anxious/ sleep deprived you feel sick? Yeah. Luckily, I got to spend some extra time with my lovely family before I left for Japan- I had a few months of yummy food, chilling and catching up on Japanese study. But even though it was lovely, the underlying stress was real.

I'm excited to explore a new area of Japan- I've visited nearby Aichi, Gifu and Nagano prefectures, but never Shizuoka. It looks stunning - loads of mountains and lots of likely looking hiking destinations!~

I'm flying in to Baesaka (Osaka) and going to spend a couple of days there before travelling on to Shizuoka, so you can look forward to a lot of overexcited selfies with Glico man on my instagram ;)

One exciting thing is that I'm still allowed to have platinum blonde/ silver hair <3 so you'll still be getting hair update posts and hair dye reviews which are some of my favourite to write, and I think you guys' favourite to read, too. (going by the pageviews, they are far and away my most popular  posts). Annnd obviously I'll be doing many many haul posts of any and all WEGO and Daiso purchases ;)

Also, if you want to dig through the archives to see my posts from my year abroad in Japan, it's all under the Japan tag at the top- click on that for travel tips, study abroad tips, loads of fashion hauls and a tonne of me saying how much I love Osaka. Because I do.

I've loved everywhere I've lived so far, and tbh between my home town near London, and my adopted homes in Leeds and Osaka, Shizuoka has a pretty tough act to follow, but I'm fully prepared to fall in love <3

Wish me luck!! <3
-Amy xoxo

p.s. make sure to follow my instagram @candyflossoverkill , I think I'm going to post more often (maybe even daily) when I get to Japan <3

My Japan posts from my Year Abroad

Pink hair with Bleach London Rosé shampoo: review and before and after// 'Osaka' things I miss so much//

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