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A lifestyle blog by a London gal who loves plants, metal, bleaching my hair and Osaka

Friday 31 May 2013

12: haul post~

hey kids~
today I decided to make a haul post~ 
I'm actually pretty excited, hehe
added to this is the fact that all I have to do is throw a bunch of pictures at y'all and run away
(what a dedicated blogger I am)
 this is all of it :D I hate to think how much money I spent on it all together~
added to the fact that I bought all of this within about a week
im so broke

 this is all stuff I ordered from Ebay~ I wrote about it a couple of posts back :D

panda bags from here: they were super cheap (only £10!) and just... how could I not? it seems sturdy, but sadly isn't quite big enough to use for school. Still, I'm sure I will find plenty of use for it ^^ 
the glasses I'd been wanting for literally years, and for £1.68, why not? 
the clips I was a little worried about, as they were so cheap- £1.30 for a pair? I had nothing to worry about, as they're just perfect <3 So far, they've pretty much not left my hair, hehe

I bought all of this from Bluewater the other day~ 
fake DMs, sparkly socks, suspender-tights (for 50p, yesssss)
literally my two favourite things, all on one handy dandy sweater from River Island 

lastly, here's the stuff I bought from MCM expo
I always go in there like 'this time, I won't buy anything' and come out with no money.... sigh....
I spent a stupid amount on kawaii fluffy things and sweets, as you can see, but I also feel victorious in that I got a new L'arc~en~ciel CD from JPU and those banana choco sweets from sushi noms they are too addictive. seriously. save yourself the heartache and never try them. 
lastly, look at the Arpakarsso I bought!!!
I called him Nathaniel
it made sense to me

blimey, this post actually ended up being really wordy....
I shall end it here :D
say bye bye to nathaniel-chan~

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