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A lifestyle blog by a London gal who loves plants, metal, bleaching my hair and Osaka

Thursday 9 February 2017

Experiencing a Japanese summer festival at the Tenjin Matsuri, Osaka

Tenjin Matsuri
The Tenjin matsuri was less than a week after Gion matsuri, but I wasn't going to miss it for anything. Apparently there were 1,000,000 people there, compared to the 300,000 people at the Gion matsuri. So yeah, it was a bit intense. Like the Gion matsuri, there were a lot of people in Yukata. There were also a lot of cute couples dressed up and going on dates <3 so cute.

Tenjin Matsuri

Tenjin Matsuri, Osaka

We drank beer and watched the fireworks, and then went home early-ish at 8:30 because it was busy, really loud and quite tiring. fun though! Also going home earlier meant we could sneak back with the train still being ok. The fireworks were cool, but so. loud. I'd definitely avoid bringing small kids there. They were the hugest fireworks I've ever seen (I only go to small local fireworks back home). 

Tenjin Matsuri crowds

Tenjin Matsuri fiireworks

Tenjin Matsuri was so cool! Like I said in my Gion Matsuri post, I definitely would recommend going to both a huge festival like this, but also try and go to a smaller one too! Because this one was slightly intense.
Thanks for reading!
-Amy xoxo

Yoiyoiyama at Gion Matsuri, Kyoto// Wagashi making and visiting temples in Kyoto // OOTD in the hydrangeas

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