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A lifestyle blog by a London gal who loves plants, metal, bleaching my hair and Osaka

Thursday 27 September 2018

I graduated University!! ♡ What I wore for Graduation

University of Leeds graduate in robes on Parkinson steps
So I graduated from University this summer! I went to Leeds University in Leeds, UK, a.k.a. one of my favourite places in the whole world. I had such an amazing time, and I'm really sad to be leaving somewhere that I felt I really belonged. Luckily I have some exciting things planned, but still, the feeling that I'm actually not going back in a couple of weeks to a new term is a little terrifying. Hence me putting off this post. Buut, I graduated with a BA Hons in Japanese with a good grade and I am bloody proud of myself! 
silver haired girl in red dress, heels and sukajan standing in an archway at the University of Leeds

silver haired girl in red dress, heels and sukajan standing in an archway at the University of Leeds

What I wore//

Sukajan// Osaka
Dress// Topshop
Socks// WEGO
Shoes// H&M
Bag// Primark
Lipstick// MAC Russian Red
Nails// Topshop Matte Nails in 'dilly dally'

I was really worried about what to wear for graduation, it's a formal occasion, but all of the dresses in the shops seemed a bit too 'wedding-y' or like a going out out dress, you know? I went round sooo many shops, ordered and returned things from online, but then about a week before graduation, I gritted my teeth and went to Oxford Street in London, and tried this red Topshop dress on, and it was perfect! I wanted to look formal, but still a bit 'fashion' and I think I managed it! I'm so pleased I wore socks with sandals too, I think it made the outfit. I also wore my Sukajan before and after the ceremony when I didn't have the gown on, it felt good to have a piece of my beloved Osaka with me. The socks were from WEGO in Osaka too! <3

University of Leeds graduate on Parkinson steps making a V sign

University of Leeds graduate on Parkinson steps
Parkinson steps~

I was pretty pleased with my makeup as well, especially given the fact that we had to be at uni for 8am so I was up at 6am(!!!)
I did some loose curls in my hair for texture, and then red lip and winged eyeliner for impact in the photos. I was debating whether to do a red lip or not, but I'm so pleased I did- it makes everything look a bit more decisive.

The best thing about graduation was being able to see all of my friends, classmates and teachers and celebrate with everyone! I wasn't expecting to enjoy myself as much as I did actually!

Me and my housemates last year (they were all absolute babes!)

My class and our Japanese teachers! So grateful to everyone for being so lovely! Our class was pretty small so we got quite tight knit by the end.

After the ceremony, me and Lizzie went on a whistle stop photoshoot tour of campus- here I am at Eddy B library- I've spent so many hours here :o

Leeds graduate in gown outside Edward Boyle Library

Leeds graduate in gown walking towards Roger Stevens building

Leeds graduate in gown on steps near Roger Stevens building

So yeah, that was my graduation! Hope you guys had a good summer and are getting back into the swing of the new academic year! 
-Amy xoxo


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