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A lifestyle blog by a London gal who loves plants, metal, bleaching my hair and Osaka

Friday 15 April 2016

Seven months in Japan

Today marks exactly seven months since I came to Japan. My time here is quickly running out and it's a little depressing, but I want to enjoy the last few months as much as possible. So anyway, here's a quick rundown of last month.

A couple of my blog posts went completely crazy! (For my standards, anyway) Recently I've been trying to improve the standard of my blog, which is why I bought the new design from pipdig. I've also been trying harder with the imagery and content. Anyway, it was awesome to have so many pageviews. I'm just writing this for fun, and of course it was nothing compared to other people. but I was happy that people read my blog. The blog posts in question were: a post about my new DSLR, (the Nikon D3300) and a Japanese fashion haul post I did a while back.

I've been pretty inspired with CandyflossOverkill recently too, even if the daily schedule has slipped a bit. I guess it's true that if you have a lot going on in real life, you'll have a lot to blog about.

My family came to stay! We stayed in Kyoto and saw the sakura together, and it was awesome! I have a few posts lined up about that, along with a few tips on 'tourguiding' others who don't speak Japanese or know much about Japan.

I also went on a trip to Tokyo to see my darling~

I found out my results from the Autumn term (I don't talk about grades a lot on here, but getting good grades is super important to me) and they were really good! I tried really hard last term so I'm happy. The only thing is, now I've been moved up into 'advanced' Japanese and I feel like a fraud because I've only been studying for a year and a half. 

I had my birthday omg what. I'm 20 and I still completely don't know what I'm doing ahahahhaha. I wrote about it a little while back, and gave myself a few goals for being a 20 something

As mentioned earlier, I'm still in love with my new blog design

I've been trying to use Instagram more: check it out (it's @candyflossoverkill) for many attractive sakura pictures

I went to see SuG omg <3 I'll do a whole other post on it some time, but let's just say that this little fangirl will die happy.

So with the last couple of months here, I want to carry on working hard, try and tick a few more things off my bucket list and pass the JLPT N2- wish me luck! Hopefully when I've picked all my courses and got into a routine, I can post more too, stay tuned! 
Thanks for reading! 
-Amy xoxo

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