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A lifestyle blog by a London gal who loves plants, metal, bleaching my hair and Osaka

Tuesday 14 April 2020

24 things I want to do when I'm 24

A street in Shinsekai, Osaka after dark

All of my plans have been cancelled basically, as I'm sure you guys' have been... but here are my plans for what I want to do when I'm 24. Most of these are not feasible atm, but here's to hoping we can get through this!! And I also want to look back on whether I achieved my last set of goals I published- my Japan goals ver 2

But first, did I achieve any of the goals I set when I was in Japan? 

Take the JLPT N1// yep, passed that :^)
Carry on cooking and baking// gonna have to say no for this... I did do some cooking but I definitely relied on the conbini waaay too much
Start saving money// nope! I spent every single yen :') I was fairly low paid so it was hard to save. Tbh I'm glad I spent the money on having fun, but I do want an emergency fund because not having any money is stressful as I'm sure most of you know. 
Take photos every day// I did take a lot of photos, but not every day. I also failed my other goals of post on instagram more regularly, and keep blogging at least once a week. I did post on instagram sometimes, but it was the worst year so far for me for blogging- I was just so tired! Glad I'm back on it now.
Japanese youtube channel// Nope
Walk/ cycle to work every day// Yep <3
Have a v aesthetic apartment// Yep! Check out my Room Tour of my Shizuoka Apartment post if you fancy a look around!
Travel// well I managed to get to Osaka a few times.. unfortunately I had neither the time or the money to go anywhere exciting and I couldn't convince my ex to go on a cute ryokan trip with me either :') Definitely got loads of places left on my bucket list
Sort out my future// another resounding 'no' ... send help...

my goals for when I'm 24 ♡

1 Stop putting boys first// So me and my long time boyfriend split up... it was mutual, but obviously I was devastated. But being on my own properly for the first time in 7 years (!!) has made me realise that the time and energy I invested into boys is often more than what they gave back, and I would never let a friend treat me like that.. I need someone who lifts me up and who will support me as much as I support them. And that's the last I'll be saying about boys on here for a while..

2 Get my film cameras developed// I still have loads of cool Osaka photos I haven't got developed yet! V excited because it's such a photogenic city

3 Get a new job// The job I had lined up has unfortunately fallen through bc Coronavirus (I know lots of you guys are in the same boat...)

4 Get another piercing// tempted to attempt this at home but not sure it's a good idea ahaha..

5 Try a new hair colour// I'm thinking yellow or bright orange

6 Go on holiday!! // Another far off goal, but here's to hoping... the dream would be Taiwan, South Korean and Osaka <3

7 Go back to Leeds <3 // Long time readers will know how much I love Leeds, and I'm desperate to get back and visit all my fave spots again!

8 TEFL course// bc who knows, it might come in handy :)

9 Start some savings// I've always lived a bit paycheck to paycheck, and crises like this make you reeeeally realise the importance of a safety net. Obvs not everyone can afford to, but it's a goal anyway.

10 Learn how to drive// I still can't drive, I've had a few lessons and I absolutely hate driving but it's a good skill to have.

11 Visit Amsterdam// this seemed like another 'easy' goal a few months ago- just a few hours' train! But we have to stay at home innit.

12 Have a cute picnic with my friends// I am dying to see my pals. Thank goodness for video call technology eh?

13 Learn how to cook a posh new thing// I love making macarons even though they are a massive faff, and I really want to add another 'impressive' thing to my repertoire.

14 Go to a music festival// Another uncertain thing..

15 go 'out out' with my girls// ditto

16 Go to some more gigs// live music is my absolute favourite thing

17 Try dating apps// I'm newly single and in no way ready to date yet but I do want to try dating apps for funsies!

18 Go and see The Room// Theres a cinema in Soho that did screenings once a month

19 Visit Hastings// I haven't visited this cute UK seaside town since I was a small child

20 Visit Canterbury// Another bucket list place for me

21 Do some pottery// because yolo. I want to make some aesthetic plates

22 Do something with my photos from Japan// a scrapbook, a zine, put them on the blog... I have some nice photos but there are so. many. it kind of makes my head hurt thinking about printing them or doing anything with them tbh.

23 Get a polaroid camera// I just think they seem really fun. I want to try and either get a second hand instax or a proper polaroid (should have got it in Japan regrets are real)

24 Visit Berlin// Another travel thing eek

I hope you guys are all doing well, and are getting through it. I'm trying to stay positive and plan for the future but it's hard and scary and uncertain :/ sending you all so so much love!!

My Room Tour of my apartment in Shizuoka, Japan and my tips for renting in Japan// All 41 hair dye posts I've written in 7 years of blogging  // Last Japan empties (for now) empties #21 //

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