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A lifestyle blog by a London gal who loves plants, metal, bleaching my hair and Osaka

Thursday 30 April 2020

Snapshots from Shizuoka city part 3/ Mt Fuji, Kiyomizudera and Fuji san traffic cones!

Mt Fuji traffic cones in Shizuoka city, Japan
I'm finally digging through my photos from my year in Shizuoka- I put it off for so long but I've decided I'm going to do a couple of 'travel guide' posts which are more polished, along with chill posts like this where I just throw a tonne of photos at you all- enjoy! These are the random DSLR snaps that don't quite get their own post ;) 

The view of Shizuoka city, Mt Fuji and the sea from my friend's apartment building <3
The view of Shizuoka city and the sea from my friend's apartment building

The view of Shizuoka city and Mt Fuji from my friend's apartment building

Mt Fuji as seen from Nihon Daira

Mt Fuji as seen from Nihon Daira

These Fuji san cones were one of my favourite Shizuoka things
Mt Fuji traffic cones in Shizuoka city, Japan

Mt Fuji traffic cones in Shizuoka city, Japan

Kiyomizudera (the one in Shizuoka not the one in Kyoto obvs)
Kiyomizudera Shizuoka city

Kiyomizudera Shizuoka city

Kiyomizudera Shizuoka city

Temple roof in Kiyomizudera Shizuoka city

Kiyomizudera Shizuoka city

The teeny shrine next to my house

The teeny shrine next to my house in Shizuoka, Japan

That's it for now- I'll be back with some more random snaps as well as some more polished travel guides/ suggestions of things to do in Shizuoka! 
Take care!
-Amy xoxo
Snapshots from Shizuoka part 1: New Years, Sengen Jinja and Mount Fuji// Room tour of my Shizuoka Apartment and my tips for renting in Japan// Shizuoka City, Japan Travel Guide//

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