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A lifestyle blog by a London gal who loves plants, metal, bleaching my hair and Osaka

Monday 5 September 2016

My Goals for Year 3 of uni

So in September I'm heading back to Leeds for my third year of uni. I have a 4th year too, because I spent last year in Japan doing study abroad, but it's still so scary! I'm feeling a lot of pressure to have my stuff together, and I wanna make it the best year possible, so I made a couple of goals for next year.

Get a 1st overall and become a boss at Japanese ;)

I really want to work on my essay writing too. I need to give myself more time to do them, because then you have time to be more original and creative. I also need to think of ideas for my (whisper it) dissertation. I also want to have 100% attendance in class.

Get over my anxiety//

This year I've really struggled with anxiety- it's been exhausting and has definitely held be back from doing some of the things I wanted to. I think sometimes when I'm shy I come across as standoffish and flaky, and I don't wanna be that person.

Be social//

I mentioned about being more nervous this year, and I think the area that it really manifested was in going out. I can almost always get to uni, but after that I'm tired and can't face going out again. I want to get into the habit of going to Rocksoc, more gigs, and just getting out more. I also wanna make some blogger friends one day ^O^

Work on my blog more//

The thing I wanna do immediately is take 'real' OOTD photos. I wanna learn how to use my camera better, and maybe a little bit more about photo editing too. Some time in the near-ish future I'm thinking about stepping down the daily posting schedule too. I want to post more high quality content- better imagery, more wordy, and in depth posts, and just make my blog better in general. I've been a little slow with posts lately, but I wanna get back to blogging more regularly again soon.

Post on instagram more//

I've been super busy lately (are you guys bored of me moaning about Osaka Uni's crazy long terms yet? I've only been off for 2 and a bit weeks, and I'm already thinking about going back to uni!) And so my insta has been more than a little quiet lately. Hopefully I can go back to posting daily on there, and as I plan on dying my hair a lot and having some cool adventures, I should have some good material.

Waste less money//

Everyone has that thing where they buy little bits to cheer themselves up, right? I really want to start saving up for big, cool things instead of just buying a million things from the pound shop. I still wanna treat myself, but I want to only buy things I really love.

Get a part time job// 

or just some work experience. I have way less hours in uni than last year or first year, so I could probably squeeze in a shift at work each week. I'd love to work at somewhere like Topshop or Lush... But we'll see what my workload is like :)

Learn to drive// 

I need to learn to drive before I'm out of uni- you don't need to drive in Leeds at all, the buses are great but it's a life skill I need to have under my belt. Plus, a provisional licence is waaaay cooler as ID than a passport ;)

Cook more again//

I loved cooking in first year, and next year I wanna cook more cakes, make more smoothies and healthy things, and I also wanna learn how to whip out some cocktails too.

Be more efficient and productive//

I wanna go back to how much studying I did in year 1, and most importantly, that sleep schedule! 12:30- 8am is #goals tbh.

Dye my hair some different colours//

I've done pink and silver quite a bit, and I wanna mix it up while I can! I have a bottle of Bleach London's awkward peach sitting there with my name on it, and I also wanna try an all over pale lilac. #mermaidhair here I come!

Make my room really cute// 

I'm back in uni dorms again, as I mentioned in my uni wish list post) and I wanna make my room really cozy (and have at least an instagrammable corner...) 

Also, can we talk about how crazy it is that has been going for 4 years now? Especially in the last year, I've worked on imagery, and I've had a whole tonne of Japan-related stuff to post, and I've loved that! I've still got some more Japan content on the way, but I'll also be going back to the usual fashion/ lifestyle posts too.  Hope you're looking forward to it <3

-Amy xoxo

My back to uni wish list//back to the UK haul// Last year's goals for my year in Osaka

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